Milk Car Set View larger

Milk Car Set


New product

Prototype: 2 German State Railroad Company (DRG) type Gh "Hannover" (Bavarian design) boxcars. Cars from the first production run with flat roofs. Used as milk cars to ship "fresh milk to Nürnberg Main Station". Grayish white basic paint...

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Order time about 1-2 weeks

69,94 €

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  • Prototype: 2 German State Railroad Company (DRG) type Gh "Hannover" (Bavarian design) boxcars. Cars from the first production run with flat roofs. Used as milk cars to ship "fresh milk to Nürnberg Main Station". Grayish white basic paint scheme. Both cars look as they did around 1930.

    Model: Each of the boxcars has 6 Grove design vents on the roof. Each car with continuous running board on each side of the car below the sliding doors. The cars have steps at one end. Both boxcars have different car numbers. Total length over the buffers 22.2 cm / 8-3/4". DC wheel set per car 2 x 700580.


    • New tooling for the Bavarian design two-axle milk cars with a flat roof.
    • Interesting car type for transporting "fresh milk to Nürnberg Main Station".

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