Nüüd kui oled raudteemudelismi kirest juba natuke nakatunud, siis tekib ühel heal päeval kindlasti mõte, et võiks...
Nüüd kui oled raudteemudelismi kirest juba natuke nakatunud, siis tekib ühel heal päeval kindlasti mõte, et võiks...
Mudelrongide mõõtkavasid on erinevate rakenduste jaoks väga erinevaid. Kuna selles teemas võib millimeetrite ja...
Märklin on saksa mänguasjade firma mis loodi 1859. Seega üks esimesi mänguasjade tootjaid maailmas üldse ja kindlasti...
Model-shop.ee valikusse oleme Sinu jaoks koondanud ainult maailma juhtivate tootjate paremiku. Nii automudelite kui...
Millest alustada rongimudelismiga tegelemist Rongimudelismi on kindlasti kõige mugavam ja praktilisem alustada...
Every railroad has bridges. On a model railroad they represent attractive focal points. This authentic model of a Warren truss bridge...
This classic signal is found along the tracks of many European rail lines. This electrically operated LGB signal features a moveable...
Same as LGB 50550, but with two arms. This station light has a removable plug-in base and a base spike for outdoor use. 18 volt bulb (LGB...
Make your own track feeder wires with wires of the length you want. Each terminal has a set screw for attaching to the rail and a socket...
The classic LGB “Lineman‘s Hut” now offers advanced features, including: Maximum 5 amps locomotive power / Built-in rectifier, designed...
Sound unit like LGB 65000, but with the typical sounds of an American steam locomotive. See also LGB 65000, 65002, 65003, 65004, 65011,...
This replacement generator fits many LGB locos with voltage limiting circuitry. Black/white wires.
Dutch Edition LGB full line catalog 2016. 160 pages. Dimensions approximately 29 x 21 cm.
With this additional arm, you can use the standard catenary mast (LGB 56405) on a double track line.
These adapters let you mount LGB track on the bridge piers. Width 100 mm / 3-15/16“.
This realistic, hand-operated signal is perfect for temporary layouts. It can be attached easily to any section of LGB track. Height 300...
Here is an economical method to clean your rails easily and gently. The cleaning pad removes dirt from the rails without harmful...