Nüüd kui oled raudteemudelismi kirest juba natuke nakatunud, siis tekib ühel heal päeval kindlasti mõte, et võiks...
Nüüd kui oled raudteemudelismi kirest juba natuke nakatunud, siis tekib ühel heal päeval kindlasti mõte, et võiks...
Mudelrongide mõõtkavasid on erinevate rakenduste jaoks väga erinevaid. Kuna selles teemas võib millimeetrite ja...
Märklin on saksa mänguasjade firma mis loodi 1859. Seega üks esimesi mänguasjade tootjaid maailmas üldse ja kindlasti...
Model-shop.ee valikusse oleme Sinu jaoks koondanud ainult maailma juhtivate tootjate paremiku. Nii automudelite kui...
Millest alustada rongimudelismiga tegelemist Rongimudelismi on kindlasti kõige mugavam ja praktilisem alustada...
Universal circuit board with several LEDs, which will fit in most of the passenger cars in the Märklin H0 program. One 73400 is required...
Height 124 mm / 4-7/8". Highlights Finely crafted reproduction of important prototypes. Metal masts. Miniature bulbs for good...
Height 140 mm / 5-1/2". Highlights Finely crafted reproduction of important prototypes. Metal masts. Miniature bulbs for good...
Height 65 mm / 2-9/16". Highlights Finely crafted reproduction of important prototypes. Metal masts. Miniature bulbs for good...
Height 100 mm / 3-15/16". Highlights Finely crafted reproduction of important prototypes. Metal masts. Miniature bulbs for good...
Height 100 mm / 3-15/16". Highlights Finely crafted reproduction of important prototypes. Metal masts. Miniature bulbs for good...
Height 100 mm / 3-15/16". Highlights Finely crafted reproduction of important prototypes. Metal masts. Miniature bulbs for good...
For cars 4035, 4038, 4039, 4107 and 4108. The kit consists of a pickup shoe with a light socket and a light bulb.
This lighting kit can be used with the 43581-43586 cars. It consists of a pickup shoe and current-conducting close coupler.
For cars 43200, 43201, 43206, 43210, 43211, 43221, 43226, 43231, 43240, 43300, 43301, 43601 and 43602. The kit consists of a pickup shoe...
For cars 42168, 42171, 4227, 4255-4257, 42551-42571, 4264, 4265, 4282, 4285, 4286, 4327, 4368, 4369 and 4384. The kit consists of a...
For cars 4085 and 4087. The kit consists of a pickup shoe, light diffuser, 2 light sockets, and 2 light bulbs.