Nüüd kui oled raudteemudelismi kirest juba natuke nakatunud, siis tekib ühel heal päeval kindlasti mõte, et võiks...
Nüüd kui oled raudteemudelismi kirest juba natuke nakatunud, siis tekib ühel heal päeval kindlasti mõte, et võiks...
Mudelrongide mõõtkavasid on erinevate rakenduste jaoks väga erinevaid. Kuna selles teemas võib millimeetrite ja...
Märklin on saksa mänguasjade firma mis loodi 1859. Seega üks esimesi mänguasjade tootjaid maailmas üldse ja kindlasti...
Model-shop.ee valikusse oleme Sinu jaoks koondanud ainult maailma juhtivate tootjate paremiku. Nii automudelite kui...
Millest alustada rongimudelismiga tegelemist Rongimudelismi on kindlasti kõige mugavam ja praktilisem alustada...
Prototype: Privately owned car painted and lettered for the firm German Gasoline-Nitag AG. Model: The car has a brakeman's platform. It...
Prototype: Type R 02 stake car. Fictitious Christmas design. Model: The car has removable stakes. It also has a frame with truss rods....
Prototype: German Federal Railroad (DB) type E-12 Om Association Design (former Om Breslau) two-axle high-side gondola, with a brakeman's...
Prototype: 4 type Sgnss four-axle KLV transport cars in a blue basic paint scheme. Cars for the firm Sveaskog, registered with...
Prototype: 2-axle tank car with a hand brake platform and an end ladder, for transporting printing ink. Privately owned car painted and...
Prototype: German Federal Railroad (DB) type Omm 52 gondola. Model: The car is loaded with coal. Length over the buffers 11.5 cm /...
Prototype: Special car for transporting slag. Privately owned car based on a prototype from the steel industry. Model: The frame is...
Prototype: German Federal Railroad (DB) type Omm 37 gondola. Model: The car is loaded with scrap iron. Length over the buffers 11.5 cm /...
Prototype: Special car for transporting molten crude iron. Privately owned car based on a prototype from the steel industry. Model: The...
Prototype: German Federal Railroad (DB) type Ssym 46 heavy-duty flat car for transporting heavy freight. Model: The car's superstructure...
Prototype: German Federal Railroad (DB) type Ssym 46 heavy-duty flat car for transporting heavy freight. Model: The car's superstructure...
Prototype: German Federal Railroad (DB) type Ssym 46 heavy-duty flat car for transporting heavy freight. Model: The car's superstructure...