Nüüd kui oled raudteemudelismi kirest juba natuke nakatunud, siis tekib ühel heal päeval kindlasti mõte, et võiks...
Nüüd kui oled raudteemudelismi kirest juba natuke nakatunud, siis tekib ühel heal päeval kindlasti mõte, et võiks...
Mudelrongide mõõtkavasid on erinevate rakenduste jaoks väga erinevaid. Kuna selles teemas võib millimeetrite ja...
Märklin on saksa mänguasjade firma mis loodi 1859. Seega üks esimesi mänguasjade tootjaid maailmas üldse ja kindlasti...
Model-shop.ee valikusse oleme Sinu jaoks koondanud ainult maailma juhtivate tootjate paremiku. Nii automudelite kui...
Millest alustada rongimudelismiga tegelemist Rongimudelismi on kindlasti kõige mugavam ja praktilisem alustada...
Veel 1930-ndatel ei tootnud legendaarne Alfa Romeo veel ise oma autode keresid vaid osteti sisse. Konkreetse mudeli 6C 1750 GS puhul...
Owner’s Manual Owner’s Manual.pdf Product Description The 8C 2900B Special Touring Coupé was made to order, and it is now the pride of...
Product Description Jean Kerguen, one of the best private race drivers of France in the late 1950s, qualified to participate in the...
Product Description: What serves as a powerful reminder of Aston Martin? Simply put, the DB4 GT Zagato, which has become one of the...
Product Description Dynamic and Sportsmanship The rise of the company “Audi” is undoubtedly one of the most fascinating stories in the...
Item is not available yet. Pre-order is open (regular online-shop order). Production 2016 Product Description Developed by Ferdinand...
Product Descripton British Colonel Godfrey Giles acquired a Bugatti 57 S chassis in 1937 for the roadster he would like to have. His...
Product description Nation Color Project The contemporary black and white photos are just inadequate to show how colorful the race cars...
Product description Nation Color Project The contemporary black and white photos are just inadequate to show how colorful the race cars...
Product description Nation Color Project The contemporary black and white photos are just inadequate to show how colorful the race cars...
Product description A Classic of Engineering Decorative ArtChassis-No. 57.591 You are probably already aware of our blue-color Atlantic...
Product Description Tour de France Automobile was launched in 1899 and held almost annually till 1986. Its first post-WWII race in 1951...